August 27, 2019

Pacifier use and thumb sucking are heavily ingrained in our culture, and in most cultures around the world throughout history. As a result, most of us don’t think much about it. However, a lot of people have recently started taking a closer look at this common practice and wondered just how healthy it actually is.

Is that pacifier your baby loves so much setting them up for dental problems down the line? Find out everything you need to know about this innocent – or perhaps not-so-innocent – nurturing habit.


August 20, 2019

Gum disease is a common problem that can occur very gradually. Aging, brushing too hard, genetics, and any lapse in hygiene habits can get the ball rolling in the wrong direction. It starts with oral bacteria that feed on particles of carbohydrate-rich foods left behind after a meal. The bacteria metabolize carbohydrates and produce plaque acids, which they deposit on the surface of teeth. The top layer of bacteria and the plaque responds to brushing, but the overlooked plaque can harden into tartar in just a few days.


August 13, 2019

Laser dentistry is a fairly new dental field that offers more comfortable treatment options for many dental procedures. LASER stands for “light amplification by the stimulated emission of radiation” and uses a narrow-focused beam of light energy. Lasers make many treatments less invasive, more efficient, and more economical. Issues that are treatable with laser dentistry include:


August 6, 2019

As a new parent, you want to do everything you can to provide your baby with a happy and healthy future. One thing many parents of infants feel uncertain about is how to care for your child’s newly emerging teeth. Your baby’s oral health requires care and dedication, but that doesn’t mean it has to be difficult or tedious. Once you understand the basics, you can provide better care and catch developing issues quickly, making things better for you and your baby.
